We have put together a press kit consisting of logos and screenshots that can help you when marketing our company.
The Title | Pipe™ logo includes two variations for use with light or dark backgrounds. In most cases, the logo should be placed on a white background for the consistency of our brand.
The Title | Pipe™ logo & slogan includes two variations for use with light or dark backgrounds. In most cases, the logo should be placed on a white background for the consistency of our brand. The slogan should be used to inform when another description is unavailable. i.e. brochure or website mention.
The Title | Pipe™ logo & tagline includes two variations for use with light or dark backgrounds. In most cases, the logo should be placed on a white background for the consistency of our brand. Our tagline should be used when other content is present.
The Title | Pipe™ mark can be used in cases where the brand name is implied or otherwise, includes descriptive text, i.e., Facebook or LinkedIn.
Title | Pipe™ primarily uses three colors for marketing: Cornflower Blue, Ebony Clay, and Snow. There are additional colors listed to the right that is used to create dimension or to be used with page elements such as buttons, dividers, or headers to show emphasis.
Our brand font Neue Alte Grotesk. This typeface should be used to communicate key brand messages in headlines and body text.
The Title | Pipe™ name should always have a capitalized T and P and include | and a trademark logo. To add the trademark logo press Alt+0153 on Windows or press Option+2 on a Mac. To add a | press shift + backslash.
To protect the privacy of our clients you should not use unaltered screenshots for instructional purposes. If screenshots or instructional documentation is needed please contact our support specialists who can provide altered screenshots or a detailed demonstration.
Please do not edit or change our logo, mark, or content in any way. To eliminate the confusion about our brand and platform, please consult a member of our marketing team for clarification prior to sharing.